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138                                   MUSK-KANGAROO                                 CHAP.
J3. lesue-uri burrows in the ground, often to so great a depth as 10
feet.     The genus occurs in Tasmania as well as in Australia.
Caloprymnus, with one species, is a genus instituted by Mr.
Thomas in his Catalogue of Marsupials for a form (C. campestris*)
which combines in a remarkable way the characters of Jiepyprym-
nust Bettongia, and Potorous. The external characters and the
general shape of the skull are as in Bettongia, while the molars
have the structure of those of Aepyprymnus. The last premolar
is as in Potorous.
Of the genus Potorous there are three species, which are
Tasmanian as well as Australian. Unlike the other Hat-
Kangaroos, the hind-feet are comparatively short, and the animal
is therefore less addicted to jumping than its relatives. The
rhinarium is naked., and the ears are of fair length.
Sub-Fans.. 3. Hypsiprymnodontinae,—The Musk-Kangaroo,
Hypsiprymnodon, is the last genus of the present family, and the
only genus of this sub-family. It is intermediate between the
Macropodidae and the Phalangeridae, the annectant character
being mainly the hind-feet, which though they have the same
long fourth digit as the Kangaroos, have it more feebly developed,
and possess also an opposable hallux, which is one of the salient
features in the structure of the Phalangeridae. The tail is naked
and scaly; the rhinarium is entirely naked. The ears are large
and not furry. The single species, H. moschatus, appears to feed
upon insects as well as vegetables.
" Its habits are chiefly diurnal, and its actions when not dis-
turbed by no means ungraceful. It progresses in much the same
manner as the Kangaroo - Bats (Potorous), to which it is
closely allied, but procures its food by turning over the debris in
the scrubs in search of insects, worms, and tuberous roots,
frequently eating the palm berries, which it holds in its fore-
paws after the manner of the Phalangers, sitting up on its
haunches, or sometimes digging like the bandicoots." This is
Mr. Kamsay's description of the animal, which he was the first
to discover.1
Fam. 2. Plialang°eridae.—The genus ffypsiprymnodon bridges
over the not very wide gap which separates the Kangaroos from
the Phalangers. The Phalangers are Marsupials with five fingers
and toes; the second and third toes are bound together by a
* JProe. Linn, &QC.  Wales, t 1877, p. 34,'